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Telemark Art Museum

Scheduled tours

Scheduled tours
Foto: Bjørn-Owe Holmberg/NIA

Every Saturday and Sunday at 13.00 we offer a tour of the museum’s exhibitions. The tour is included in the ticket price and is open to everyone.

Get involved and learn more about the works of art with the help of our inspiring and skilled communicators. During the tour, you will be taken through all the museum’s exhibitions and get to see, among other things, the impressive Svelgfoss series by Theodor Kittelsen, our permanent exhibition as well as separate and group exhibitions.

A journey in world heritage

The exhibition in the World Heritage Centre Notodden. Here you can learn more about how Rjukan-Notodden ended up on the UNESCO World Heritage List, as well as how the industrial adventure became a reality and changed the local community, Norway and the world.

Foto: Helge Anderson/NIA
Foto: Helge Anderson/NIA

Experience more at Telemark Art Museum

Forget Me Not

Forget Me Not

Telemark Art Museum
6. September–16. November 2025